Cmd trick


Command Prompt Tricks, Hacks & Codes

Command Prompt is one of the most powerful tools in Windows; but sadly, it is also the most ignored one. Things were not always like this; but with the advent of GUI based operating systems, people started feeling that computing through command based tools was boring. This ultimately lead the command prompt into obscurity.

However, the command prompt is not useless. In fact, it can be pretty useful. This article provides some excellent tricks, secrets and hacks that will make you realize that the Windows Command Prompt is not only useful but also a tool that you should definitely give more respect to.

Ascii star wars command prompt
1-Watch ASCII version of the Star Wars Episode IV movie
Surprised yet? You can watch an ASCII version of the full Star Wars Episode IV Movie right in your command prompt window. Just open command prompt, type a small code and the movie will start playing immediately. Read the complete instructions here.

2- Create Matrix falling code effect
Have you watched “The Matrix”? Of course, you have. Then, you already know what I am talking about. In case you still don't know what I mean, take a look at this image! You can create the same effect in command prompt using just a few lines of code. Head over to this post for instructions.

command prompt tricks

3- Know your IP address, DNS Server's address and a lot more about your Internet Connection
Command Prompt can even let you know your IP address. Just type ipconfig/ all in the command prompt and press Enter. Along with your IP address and DNS servers, command prompt will also return a ton of information like your host name, primary DNS suffix, node type, whether IP Routing ,Wins Proxy, and DHCP are enabled, your network adapter's description, your physical (MAC) address etc .

4- Know if your neighbours are stealing your Wifi connection
command prompt codes
Command Prompt can let you know if someone is connected to your Local Area Connection and using it. Just follow the steps:-
1) Open your browser and visit or depending on your router.
2) Find the tab that mentions “Attached Devices” or something similar.
3) Find the computer name, IP address and MAC Address (sometimes called Physical Address or Hardware Address) of your computer using the previous trick.
4 )Compare it with those displayed by your router in Step 2. If you notice some strange devices, then your neighbour has been sneaking in on your internet connection and it is best to set a password.

5- Know if someone is hacking your computer/ Trace a Hacker
Want to know if someone is hacking your computer? Command Prompt can help you find if someone you don't know is connected to your computer stealing private data. Just execute netstat -a and the command prompt will return a list of computers that your computer is connected to. In the results returned, Proto column gives the type of data transmission taking place (TCP or UDP) , Local address column gives the port with which your computer is connected to an external computer and the Foreign Address column gives the external computer you are connected to along with the port being used for the connection. State gives the state of the connection (whether a connection is actually established, or waiting for transmission or is “Timed Out”).

These tricks work on Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP and all previous versions of Windows.

1. For this tutorial, I have a few files for you and need to download to make you more understanding this basic tutorial. (I guarantee that the file below is virus free) 2. Extract the files and copy the folder "cmdlearn" into drive C:\ 3. Click Run(see shortcut here) and type "cmd" in the text box, click OK. Windows Run 4. This is your Command Prompt console look like(I'm using Windows 7, so for Windows XP maybe it's a slightly different but dont worry about it::-) ) Command Prompt Console 5. In your Command Prompt, type cd\, that means we will change into the drive C:\. Command Prompt Console 6. We're in drive C:\ now, we need to change directory into cmdlearn. Type "cd cmdlearn" Command Prompt Console 7. Okay that's easy isn't it? now is time to view our directory contents by using dir command. Command Prompt Console If you need to clear the text, just type cls(Clear Screen). 8. We will start from "program folder". We need to change directory into there, type cd program. Command Prompt Console 9. Inside the program folder, there's a small application using BAT extension about asking your name. Simply type myapp.bat in your command prompt. This method also can be used to run an EXE or VBS, because Windows will automatically know how to run that extension. Command Prompt Run Application You can use TAB for auto-complete command prompt 10. Now let's change into text directory. Type cd ..\text to go into text directory. Command Prompt Console The double dotted means that we will go into the parent directory "cmdlearn". 11. To view the text contents in mytext.txt you can use "type mytext.txt". If you want to edit the text, You can use "write mytext.txt" to edit using Wordpad. Command Prompt type command Command Prompt Edit Command 12. For editing the text in Windows XP, You can type "edit mytext.txt". Command Prompt Edit Command 13. Now let's change directory to our last lesson "..\tocopy" Command Prompt Console 14. To copy the picture(mario.png) from tocopy folder into topaste folder simply type copy mario.png ..\topaste. Command Prompt Copy File 15. To Move the picture(superman.png) from tocopy folder into topaste folder, You can type move superman.png ..\topaste. Command Prompt Move 16. To Delete the picture(tux.png) you can type del tux.png. Command Prompt Delete Okay that's enough for your basic learning about Command Prompt :-) .

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16 Steps Tutorial Basic Command Prompt Posted by v4L in Hacking Tutorial, Tips and Trick | 7 responses Oh no, command prompt is make me headache, because it's only black and white screen with text. :-) I dont think Command Prompt is horrible like that :p you can learn command prompt in an easy way. Learning from the very basic until the advanced section. In this tutorial I will use Command Prompt listed below : cd(change directory); dir(view directory contents); type(view text file); write(Graphical User Interface text editor); edit(command prompt text editor – XP); cp(copy file); mv(move file); cls(Clear Screen); 1. For this tutorial, I have a few files for you and need to download to make you more understanding this basic tutorial. (I guarantee that the file below is virus free) 2. Extract the files and copy the folder "cmdlearn" into drive C:\ 3. Click Run(see shortcut here) and type "cmd" in the text box, click OK. Windows Run 4. This is your Command Prompt console look like(I'm using Windows 7, so for Windows XP maybe it's a slightly different but dont worry about it::-) ) Command Prompt Console 5. In your Command Prompt, type cd\, that means we will change into the drive C:\. Command Prompt Console 6. We're in drive C:\ now, we need to change directory into cmdlearn. Type "cd cmdlearn" Command Prompt Console 7. Okay that's easy isn't it? now is time to view our directory contents by using dir command. Command Prompt Console If you need to clear the text, just type cls(Clear Screen). 8. We will start from "program folder". We need to change directory into there, type cd program. Command Prompt Console 9. Inside the program folder, there's a small application using BAT extension about asking your name. Simply type myapp.bat in your command prompt. This method also can be used to run an EXE or VBS, because Windows will automatically know how to run that extension. Command Prompt Run Application You can use TAB for auto-complete command prompt 10. Now let's change into text directory. Type cd ..\text to go into text directory. Command Prompt Console The double dotted means that we will go into the parent directory "cmdlearn". 11. To view the text contents in mytext.txt you can use "type mytext.txt". If you want to edit the text, You can use "write mytext.txt" to edit using Wordpad. Command Prompt type command Command Prompt Edit Command 12. For editing the text in Windows XP, You can type "edit mytext.txt". Command Prompt Edit Command 13. Now let's change directory to our last lesson "..\tocopy" Command Prompt Console 14. To copy the picture(mario.png) from tocopy folder into topaste folder simply type copy mario.png ..\topaste. Command Prompt Copy File 15. To Move the picture(superman.png) from tocopy folder into topaste folder, You can type move superman.png ..\topaste. Command Prompt Move 16. To Delete the picture(tux.png) you can type del tux.png. Command Prompt Delete Okay that's enough for your basic learning about Command Prompt :-) .

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16 Steps Tutorial Basic Command Prompt Posted by v4L in Hacking Tutorial, Tips and Trick | 7 responses Oh no, command prompt is make me headache, because it's only black and white screen with text. :-) I dont think Command Prompt is horrible like that :p you can learn command prompt in an easy way. Learning from the very basic until the advanced section. In this tutorial I will use Command Prompt listed below : cd(change directory); dir(view directory contents); type(view text file); write(Graphical User Interface text editor); edit(command prompt text editor – XP); cp(copy file); mv(move file); cls(Clear Screen); 1. For this tutorial, I have a few files for you and need to download to make you more understanding this basic tutorial. (I guarantee that the file below is virus free) 2. Extract the files and copy the folder "cmdlearn" into drive C:\ 3. Click Run(see shortcut here) and type "cmd" in the text box, click OK. Windows Run 4. This is your Command Prompt console look like(I'm using Windows 7, so for Windows XP maybe it's a slightly different but dont worry about it::-) ) Command Prompt Console 5. In your Command Prompt, type cd\, that means we will change into the drive C:\. Command Prompt Console 6. We're in drive C:\ now, we need to change directory into cmdlearn. Type "cd cmdlearn" Command Prompt Console 7. Okay that's easy isn't it? now is time to view our directory contents by using dir command. Command Prompt Console If you need to clear the text, just type cls(Clear Screen). 8. We will start from "program folder". We need to change directory into there, type cd program. Command Prompt Console 9. Inside the program folder, there's a small application using BAT extension about asking your name. Simply type myapp.bat in your command prompt. This method also can be used to run an EXE or VBS, because Windows will automatically know how to run that extension. Command Prompt Run Application You can use TAB for auto-complete command prompt 10. Now let's change into text directory. Type cd ..\text to go into text directory. Command Prompt Console The double dotted means that we will go into the parent directory "cmdlearn". 11. To view the text contents in mytext.txt you can use "type mytext.txt". If you want to edit the text, You can use "write mytext.txt" to edit using Wordpad. Command Prompt type command Command Prompt Edit Command 12. For editing the text in Windows XP, You can type "edit mytext.txt". Command Prompt Edit Command 13. Now let's change directory to our last lesson "..\tocopy" Command Prompt Console 14. To copy the picture(mario.png) from tocopy folder into topaste folder simply type copy mario.png ..\topaste. Command Prompt Copy File 15. To Move the picture(superman.png) from tocopy folder into topaste folder, You can type move superman.png ..\topaste. Command Prompt Move 16. To Delete the picture(tux.png) you can type del tux.png. Command Prompt Delete Okay that's enough for your basic learning about Command Prompt :-) .

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CMD Fun Tricks and Useful CMD Commands

Here are some fun tricks and fun virus-
(1)If you are using a guest account and run is disabled you can use notepad to open regedit and cmd'
open notepad and type and save it as cmd.bat this batch file will open command prompt.
if you cant open regedit by run open notepad type regedit and save it as regedit.bat double click on this and regedit window will open.
(2)use notepad to abort shutdown -Open notepad and type shutdown -a and save it as time when your computer is about to shutdown double click on this bat file. for other cmd commands open command prompt and type shutdown a  and press enter.
(3)cmd fun virus- open notepad and type shutdown -r 10 and save as restart.bat this will restart your computer in 10 seconds if you want to use this for fun paste this file in system 32 and see. computer will restart in every 10 second.
(4)IP command- open command prompt and type ipconfig/all .
(5)How to know your friend's ip when chatting on a messenger. suppose you are using g-talk. ask your friend for a good wallpaper you have downloaded. send this to him .Now open your cmd and type Netstat -n
For more information on a specific command, type HELP command-name
ASSOC    Displays or modifies file extension associations.

AT       Schedules commands and programs to run on a computer.

ATTRIB   Displays or changes file attributes.

BREAK    Sets or clears extended CTRL+C checking.

CACLS    Displays or modifies access control lists (ACLs) of files.

CALL     Calls one batch program from another.

CD       Displays the name of or changes the current directory.

CHCP     Displays or sets the active code page number.

CHDIR    Displays the name of or changes the current directory.

CHKDSK   Checks a disk and displays a status report.

CHKNTFS  Displays or modifies the checking of disk at boot time.

CLS      Clears the screen.

CMD      Starts a new instance of the Windows command interpreter
COLOR    Sets the default console foreground and background colors.

COMP     Compares the contents of two files or sets of files.

COMPACT  Displays or alters the compression of files on NTFS partitions.

CONVERT  Converts FAT volumes to NTFS.  You cannot convert the
         current drive.

COPY     Copies one or more files to another location.

DATE     Displays or sets the date.

DEL      Deletes one or more files.

DIR      Displays a list of files and subdirectories in a directory.

DISKCOMP Compares the contents of two floppy disks.

DISKCOPY Copies the contents of one floppy disk to another.

DOSKEY   Edits command lines, recalls Windows commands, and creates macros.

ECHO     Displays messages, or turns command echoing on or off.

ENDLOCAL Ends localization of environment changes in a batch file.

ERASE    Deletes one or more files.

EXIT     Quits the CMD.EXE program (command interpreter)

FC       Compares two files or sets of files, and displays the differences
         between them.

FIND     Searches for a text string in a file or files.

FINDSTR  Searches for strings in files.

FOR      Runs a specified command for each file in a set of files.

FORMAT   Formats a disk for use with Windows.

FTYPE    Displays or modifies file types used in file extension associations.

GOTO     Directs the Windows command interpreter to a labeled line in a
         batch program.

GRAFTABL Enables Windows to display an extended character set in graphics

HELP     Provides Help information for Windows commands.

IF       Performs conditional processing in batch programs.

LABEL    Creates, changes, or deletes the volume label of a disk.

MD       Creates a directory.

MKDIR    Creates a directory.

MODE     Configures a system device.

MORE     Displays output one screen at a time.

MOVE     Moves one or more files from one directory to another directory.

PATH     Displays or sets a search path for executable files
PAUSE    Suspends processing of a batch file and displays a message.

POPD     Restores the previous value of the current directory saved by PUSHD.

PRINT    Prints a text file
PROMPT   Changes the Windows command prompt
PUSHD    Saves the current directory then changes it.

RD       Removes a directory.

RECOVER  Recovers readable information from a bad or defective disk.

REM      Records comments (remarks) in batch files or CONFIG.SYS.

REN      Renames a file or files.

RENAME   Renames a file or files.

REPLACE  Replaces files.

RMDIR    Removes a directory.

SET      Displays, sets, or removes Windows environment variables.

SETLOCAL Begins localization of environment changes in a batch file.

SHIFT    Shifts the position of replaceable parameters in batch files.

SORT     Sorts input.

START    Starts a separate window to run a specified program or command.

SUBST    Associates a path with a drive letter.

TIME     Displays or sets the system time.

TITLE    Sets the window title for a CMD.EXE session.

TREE     Graphically displays the directory structure of a drive or path.

TYPE     Displays the contents of a text file.

VER      Displays the Windows version.

VERIFY   Tells Windows whether to verify that your files are written
         correctly to a disk.

VOL      Displays a disk volume label and serial number.

XCOPY    Copies files and directory trees.
1. For this tutorial, I have a few files for you and need to download to make you more understanding this basic tutorial. (I guarantee that the file below is virus free) 2. Extract the files and copy the folder "cmdlearn" into drive C:\ 3. Click Run(see shortcut here) and type "cmd" in the text box, click OK. Windows Run 4. This is your Command Prompt console look like(I'm using Windows 7, so for Windows XP maybe it's a slightly different but dont worry about it::-) ) Command Prompt Console 5. In your Command Prompt, type cd\, that means we will change into the drive C:\. Command Prompt Console 6. We're in drive C:\ now, we need to change directory into cmdlearn. Type "cd cmdlearn" Command Prompt Console 7. Okay that's easy isn't it? now is time to view our directory contents by using dir command. Command Prompt Console If you need to clear the text, just type cls(Clear Screen). 8. We will start from "program folder". We need to change directory into there, type cd program. Command Prompt Console 9. Inside the program folder, there's a small application using BAT extension about asking your name. Simply type myapp.bat in your command prompt. This method also can be used to run an EXE or VBS, because Windows will automatically know how to run that extension. Command Prompt Run Application You can use TAB for auto-complete command prompt 10. Now let's change into text directory. Type cd ..\text to go into text directory. Command Prompt Console The double dotted means that we will go into the parent directory "cmdlearn". 11. To view the text contents in mytext.txt you can use "type mytext.txt". If you want to edit the text, You can use "write mytext.txt" to edit using Wordpad. Command Prompt type command Command Prompt Edit Command 12. For editing the text in Windows XP, You can type "edit mytext.txt". Command Prompt Edit Command 13. Now let's change directory to our last lesson "..\tocopy" Command Prompt Console 14. To copy the picture(mario.png) from tocopy folder into topaste folder simply type copy mario.png ..\topaste. Command Prompt Copy File 15. To Move the picture(superman.png) from tocopy folder into topaste folder, You can type move superman.png ..\topaste. Command Prompt Move 16. To Delete the picture(tux.png) you can type del tux.png. Command Prompt Delete Okay that's enough for your basic learning about Command Prompt :-) .

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1. For this tutorial, I have a few files for you and need to download to make you more understanding this basic tutorial. (I guarantee that the file below is virus free) 2. Extract the files and copy the folder "cmdlearn" into drive C:\ 3. Click Run(see shortcut here) and type "cmd" in the text box, click OK. Windows Run 4. This is your Command Prompt console look like(I'm using Windows 7, so for Windows XP maybe it's a slightly different but dont worry about it::-) ) Command Prompt Console 5. In your Command Prompt, type cd\, that means we will change into the drive C:\. Command Prompt Console 6. We're in drive C:\ now, we need to change directory into cmdlearn. Type "cd cmdlearn" Command Prompt Console 7. Okay that's easy isn't it? now is time to view our directory contents by using dir command. Command Prompt Console If you need to clear the text, just type cls(Clear Screen). 8. We will start from "program folder". We need to change directory into there, type cd program. Command Prompt Console 9. Inside the program folder, there's a small application using BAT extension about asking your name. Simply type myapp.bat in your command prompt. This method also can be used to run an EXE or VBS, because Windows will automatically know how to run that extension. Command Prompt Run Application You can use TAB for auto-complete command prompt 10. Now let's change into text directory. Type cd ..\text to go into text directory. Command Prompt Console The double dotted means that we will go into the parent directory "cmdlearn". 11. To view the text contents in mytext.txt you can use "type mytext.txt". If you want to edit the text, You can use "write mytext.txt" to edit using Wordpad. Command Prompt type command Command Prompt Edit Command 12. For editing the text in Windows XP, You can type "edit mytext.txt". Command Prompt Edit Command 13. Now let's change directory to our last lesson "..\tocopy" Command Prompt Console 14. To copy the picture(mario.png) from tocopy folder into topaste folder simply type copy mario.png ..\topaste. Command Prompt Copy File 15. To Move the picture(superman.png) from tocopy folder into topaste folder, You can type move superman.png ..\topaste. Command Prompt Move 16. To Delete the picture(tux.png) you can type del tux.png. Command Prompt Delete Okay that's enough for your basic learning about Command Prompt :-) .

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