internet hack


Net Bios Hacking

NetBios hacking for windows 95/98/ME/NT/XP
Step 1
Get a IP (range) scanner. (superscanner is a fast one).
Scan the victim's ip on TCP/IP port 139
Step 2
Open a dos prompt
Do this by going to start/run
enter and press ok
this is what you see:
This is what you need to type down:
Replace with the victims IP address.
c:windows>nbtstat -a
If you see this your in:
NetBIOS Remote Machine Name Table
Name Type Status
user<00> UNIQUE Registered
workgroup <00> GROUP Registered
user <03> UNIQUE Registered
user <20> UNIQUE Registered
MAC Address = xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx
If you don't get the number <20>.
The victim disabled the File And Printer Sharing, find a another victim.
Step 3
type down:
c:windows>net view
if the output is like this:
Shared resources at
Sharename Type Used as Comment
CDISK Disk xxxxx xxxxx
The command completed successfully.
"DISK" shows that the victim is sharing a Disk named as CDISK
Step 4
type down:
you can replace x: by anything letter yopu want but not your own drive letters.
CDISK is the name of the shared harddrive.
c:windows>net use x:
If the command is successful we will get the confirmation.
The command was completed successfullly
Now open windows explorer or just double click on the My Computer icon on your
desktop and you will see a new network drive X:> . Now your are a small time hacker.
Good luck.

Increase your internet speed

This is not just one trick but a series of simple trick that lets you significantly increase you internet speed and i guarantee you an increase in your internet speed. This trick works on all windows machine including XP, Vista and windows 7.

1] go to desktop->My computer-(right click on)->properties->then go HARDWARE tab-> Devicemanager-> now u see a window of Device manager
then go to Ports->Communication Port(double click on it and Open).
after open u can see a Communication Port properties.
go the Port Setting:----
and now increase ur "Bits per second" to 128000.
and "Flow control" change 2 Hardware

2]type this coding in notepad and save as .reg and then execute this file....this will increase ur surfing n downloading speed.....

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servic es\Tcpip\Parameters]

3]Xp reserves 20% bandwith,
to unreserve it,follow following steps:

a)Click Start


c)Goto:>Local Computer Policy
-------–>Computer Configuration
-------–>Administrative Templates
-------–>Network–>QOS Packet Scheduler
-------–>Limit Reservable Bandwidth

d) Double click on Limit Reservable bandwidth

e)Select Enable

f) Change 20% to 0%

g)Click Apply


Disable Facebook timeline

Note: This is a Trick, only u cant see the timeline! But others can see your timeline. It is not official Disabling. If you need to option to disable official by Facebook, Better send mail to MARK Zuckerberg regarding this issue. I know you can’t, So better read below if you need to know the trick to disable the timeline in your browser.

Few weeks back Facebook started updating Timeline feature for all users. Some people don’t like this new Facebook Timeline Feature. There is no Option to Go back to Old Profile Layout. Most of the people Mailing us regarding “How to Disable the Timeline” so we came up with this post. Before that You should know its not the permanent solution and it only works in your browser, because we are going to do simple trick in your browsers. So others can view your timeline, but u can’t able to view Timeline.

How this Trick Works:

Facebook Time line is Not compatible with Older browsers like Internet Explorer  7, So if you are using Old browsers, you can’t view timeline in your profile. If you are using upgraded Versions, you have to change the Compatibility to Older browser. You have to undo the steps which you are going to do for this step to make the browser works like Latest version.
This Trick yet works only with Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox browsers.

How To Disable Timeline in Google Chrome:

Step 1:
Go to your Desktop and find the Google Chrome icon, where you launch your Google Chrome Browser.
Step 2:
Right Click the Chrome icon and Select Properties. It will open Properties Dialogue box.

Step 3:
In the Properties Dialogue Box, You can see the TARGET Text box which has URL to Launch Google Chrome. Now you should Copy and paste the Following Code in that Target Text box after  ‘chrome.exe’ (Note: leave space after chrome.exe and paste the code).


Code is Only for Windows 7 and Windows XP users. Not tired in Vista or any other Operating Systems. (Try and Let me know it is working or not.)

For Windows 7

--user-agent=”Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)”

Note the beginning of the  Code line should be two hyphens (–), not the long dash (-).

For Windows XP

--user-agent=”Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1)”

Note the beginning of the Code line should be two hyphens (–), not the long dash (-).
C:\Users\Wolverine\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe --user-agent=”Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)”

Now Click Apply and OK.
Then Open the Google Chrome from the Desktop Icon where u changed the Code. Open Facebook, Login and Enjoy the Old Profile Layout.

How To Disable Timeline in Mozilla Firefox:

Step 1:
Open your Firefox and go to Add-on screen.
Step 2:
Search for “USER AGENT SWITCHER” , If you can’t able to find the addon, You just go to this link and Install the Add on and Restart the Firefox.
Step 3:
After Installing, check User Agent Switcher button is available in Navigation bar, if not Just Right Click on the Navigation bar and Click customize and drag & drop the User Agent Switcher add-on to the Navigation bar.
Step 4:
Click the User Agent Switcher Button in the Navigation bar and Choose INTERNET EXPLORER 7. Now Go to Facebook and See your Old Facebook profile layout, not the timeline.

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